Bertrand du Marais
Born on 25 April 1964 in Lyon, Judge Bertrand du MARAIS is a graduate of ESSEC Graduate School of Management and an alumnus of the National Administration School (“Ecole Nationale d’Administration”, “Liberté Egalité Fraternité 1989” graduating class).
Having joined the French Council of State (“Conseil d’Etat”) in 1989, he is State Counselor (“Conseiller d’Etat”) since 2006. In the Advisory branch of Conseil d’Etat, he is currently a member of the Public Management Section (Section de l’administration) and deals more specifically with e-Government, Public Procurement and Public Domain.
He has joined CNIL, the French Data Protection Agency, in February 2019 and is more specifically in charge of International Affairs, e-Privacy and Competition Co-regulation. He is a member of the CNIL sanction board.
In parallel to his career as a judge at the French Council of State or as a Senior Civil Servant within French and international administrations, he is the author of articles and books relating to public utility law, market regulation law as well as information and communication technologies, and more generally on interactions between Law and Economics. His textbook “Public Law of economic regulation” (Paris, Presses de Sciences-Po et Dalloz, 2004) has been awarded the Charles Dupin Prize by the French Academy of Social and Political Sciences (Académie des sciences morales et politiques). He chairs the Think Tank FIDES (Forum on the Interaction between Law, Economics and Society www.fides.institute).