Discover Venice

Discover Venice

Venice is a unique city that you have to enjoy. Following the advice of our local partner and friends of Ca’Foscari University, we have selected the best 10 activities to give you the opportunity to discover and enjoy the city as a true Venetian:


 1.      A tour in the RIALTO MARKET, the fish and fruit Venetian market (free).

2.     A relaxed walk in the GIARDINI REALI, the Royal Gardens, the small green lung close to Saint Mark’s Square (free entrance). A nice place to take a rest or a refreshment.

3.    A visit to theCAMPANILE,the bell tower, the so-calledParon de Casa (Owner of the House), in St. Mark’s Square.

4.    A visit to thePEGGY GUGGENHEIM museum.

5.    A visit to theNATURAL HISTORY MUSEUMlocated in San Stae.

6.    A visit to the stunning staircaseSCALA DEL BOVOLO,5 minutes far from St. Mark’s Square.

7.     A visit to theNAVAL MUSEUMwith all its reconstructions of ships: the “Bucintoro” is a must for everybody.

8.    A visit to theDOGE’S PALACEto discover the History of Venice.

9.    HANDCRAFTS WORKSHOP to paint a mask in one of many ateliers in Town; we can suggest youCa’ Macana.

10.  GONDOLA TOUR or a simple “TRAGHETTO” RIDE. The so-called “traghetti” are short rides (a couple of minutes) between one side and the other one on the Canal Grande and they are still used by all the Venetian residents. We suggest you to take the “traghetto” in San Tomà/Sant’Angelo or the one in Rialto/Ca’ d’Oro. The standard touristic tour by Gondola lasts about 30 minutes and the price is € 80 (or € 100 during night-time), while the “traghetto” has a lower price, just € 2 per person. An advice: before getting on board for a touristic ride, always ask about the price to the Gondolier.




1.      TRATTORIA ANZOLO RAFFAELEclassic Venetian trattoria, local cuisine, delicatessenCampo dell’Angelo Raffaele, Dorsoduro 1722, 30123 Venezia Tel. +39 041 523 7456

2.     OSTERIA ALLA BIFORAclassic Venetian osteria, wine barCampo Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro 2930, 30123 VeneziaTel. +39 041 523 6119 

3.    IMPRONTA RESTAURANTmodern cuisine, convivial atmosphereDorsoduro, 3815, 30123 VeneziaTel. +39 041 275 0386 

4.    ORANGEAmerican hamburger, sandwiches, salad, meatCampo Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro 3054, 30123 VeneziaTel. +39 041 523   

5.    AL PROFETA: pizzeriaCalle Longa de San Barnaba, Dorsoduro 2671, 30123 VeneziaTel. +39 041 523 7466 

6.    FRARY’S: vegetarian / vegan, greekFondamenta dei Frari, San Polo 255830125 VeneziaTel. +39 041 720050 

7.     & 8. OKE ZATTEREOKE SAN GIACOMO and OKE SANTA LUCIAgluten freeTel. +39 041 520 6601 

9.    OSOTTOOSOPRAtypical Venetian tavern, gourmet cuisineDorsoduro 3741, 30123 VeneziaTel. +39 327 859 2832 

10.  GARDEN BISTROT VENEZIAVenetian gourmet cuisineCampo Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro 2919, 30123 VeneziaTel. +39 377 3119    


Tourist office:

·      Practical Information:

·      Introducing Venice:

·      Recommended itineraries:

·      Gardens, parks, and natural reserves:

·      Main cultural venues in Venice:

·      Move around the city:

·      Buy the city pass “Venezia Unica”:

·      Events:

·      Eco-friendly Venice:

·      Detour away from the usual tourist routes:

·      Transport information:

·      Kids in Venice: