Elise Lassus

Elise Lassus

EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Research Officer

Elise Lassus works as a project officer in the Justice, Digital and Migration Unit of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Her areas of expertise with respect to the FRA’s work include: privacy and data protection legal frameworks, as well as research and analysis on topics linked to information society and new technologies. Notably, she has worked on projects related to National intelligence authorities and surveillance in the EU: Fundamental rights safeguards and remedies, a Guide on preventing unlawful profiling, or the Handbook on European Data Protection Law – edition 2018. She is currently coordinating research on the implementation of the GDPR by national supervisory authorities, on anti-racism in policing, and on a Handbook on fundamental rights and cybercrime. Prior to joining FRA, she worked at the European Commission within DG EMPL (on policies related to the fight against discrimination) and DG SANCO (on policies related to consumers’ protection, notably medical devices and cosmetics’ legislation). She studied foreign languages and civilizations, and holds masters degrees in human rights, European studies, and political science, with a focus on religions and societies.