Online Sessions

Selected Sessions Accessible Online

In Venice, Italy, from June 10 to 14, 2024, the Privacy Symposium offers around 140 sessions with over 300 expert speakers to promote international dialogue, cooperation, and knowledge-sharing on data regulation, compliance, and innovative technologies. 

We are delighted to announce that some sessions of the Privacy Symposium will be freely available online for those who cannot travel and be present onsite. This list is subject to changes. 

Wednesday, June 12

16:30-17:15: Data Scraping 

Thursday, June 13

Friday, June 14

All sessions are made available online for personal use through Microsoft Teams Live Event on a best-effort basis. Content may be subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without expressed consent from the right owners. To access the sessions, please click on the name of the session and you will be automatically redirected. A Microsoft Teams account is not required.